
Screening-discussion of the film "Gender Equality"

📣 Screening-discussion of the film "Gender Equality" was organized with the participation of the members of the Youth Center at the base of Young Pedagogues Union.
✅ The film depicts the true story of lawyer Ruth Ginsburg, who faces many obstacles in the fight for equal rights.
✅ After the screening of the film, a discussion was held in which members of the youth center took part. They discussed such critical issues as: more career options for women, equal pay and improved representation in governing bodies.
✅ The program is implemented by the United Nations Association of Georgia, with the financial support of United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The partner organization of the program in Guria region is "Young ახალგაზრდა პედაგოგთა კავშირი "Young Pedagogues' Union" Union".